December 15, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Hochschule für Musik "Carl Maria von Weber"
Dresden, Wettiner Platz 13
for sho, hichiriki and glass chimes (2004)
Naomi Sato, sho
Yukari Misawa, hichiriki
December 1-4, 2016
EarPort, Philosophenweg 17a, Duisburg-Innenhafen
EarFest 2
Artistic directors: Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler
December 1, 2017 (7.30 pm)
Musik and Psyche (III): The effects of music on psyche and brain
3rd movement from Secrets
for piano (1998)
Also with works by Robert Schumann, Bernd Preinfalk, Kunsu Shim, George Crumb and Giacinto Scelsi
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Roland Techet, piano
Anja Schröder, violoncello
Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim, performance
Opening of the exhibition: Martin Goppelsröder
Light and Darkness. Hommage to Giuseppe Ungaretti
December 3, 2017 (7.30 pm)
The Only Voice of Reason: Music, Language and Performance
Music and texts by Nicolaus A. Huber, Aldo Ricci, Ivan Geddert, Malte Schwiddessen and Iannis Xenakis
Jacek Klimkiewicz, violin
Catherine Vickers, piano
Aldo Ricci, Ivan Geddert & Malte Schwiddessen, performance
December 4, 2017 (6 pm)
WO·MAN? – The Other Sex
Music and texts by Dorone Paris, Mieko Shiomi, Huiyeon Bang, Yoko Ono, Elisabeth Harnik, Nimo Epstein, Galina Ustvolskaya, Mayke Nas, Sueyeon Hong, Alwynne Pritchard, Sappho, Emily Dickinson and Haein Ku
Ensemble CRUSH (Duisburg)
Please find the detailed program on the website of EarPort: here
View flyer: here
November 29, 2016 (8 pm)
Music Library Düsseldorf
Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 1
Lecture concert
for solo voice (2015)
Also with works by Hildegard von Bingen, Charlotte Seither, Antoine Beuger, Georges Aperghis and Carola Bauckholt
Irene Kurka, soprano
Prof. Hartwig Frankenberg, presentation
November 28, 2016 (8 pm)
Gustav-Müller-Platz, Berlin
In the context of the Festival CrossKultur
if not, winter
for renaissance recorder and 13 strings koto (2006/07)
also with music, improvisations and dance from and about Japan
Makiko Goto, koto
Gaby Bultmann, flutes, voice
Daniele Ruzzier, mime corporel
November 25, 2016 (6 pm)
Asia Culture Center, Gwang-ju (South Korea)
from Performances für Liebhaber (2009)
from Kókkala
for voice (2013)
Kreuzungen / erhärten
for oboe solo (2012)
Also with works by Kunsu Shim, La Monte Young, Yoko Ono, George Brecht, Raoul Hausmann and J.S. Bach
EarPort Ensemble with:
YoungKeun Park, oboe
Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim, performances
November 24, 2016 (7 pm)
Asia Culture Center, Gwang-ju (South Korea)
Tsuki, Subaru
for Sho solo and orchestra (2005/06)
Asian premiere
Gwangju Symphony Orchestra
Naoyuki Manabe, sho
Yeongeon Kim, conductor
November 22, 2016 (8.30 pm)
BKA-Theater Berlin, Mehringdamm 34
In the context of the series Unerhörte Musik
Die Skizze
for trumpet solo (2013)
Also with works by Arne Sanders, Steffen Schellhase, Matthias Jann, Vinko Globokar, Paulheinz Dittrich and David Cope
Nathan Plante, trumpet
November 22, 2016 (8 pm)
Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf, Bilker Str. 12-14
Belfast Breakfast Songs
for vocalist (1996)
Also with works by Robert Schumann and Kunsu Shim
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Sandra Brune-Mathar, piano
November 13, 2016 (6 pm)
Pax Christi Church Krefeld
Johansenaue 32
for voice solo
Also with works by Stefan Lienenkämper, John Cage and Hildegard von Bingen
Irene Kurka, soprano
October 29, 2016 (8 pm)
Petrikirche Mülheim an der Ruhr
Pastor-Barnstein-Platz 1
In the context of UTOP¡E jetzt!
KARAS.KRÄHEN (1994-95)
Version for tape and ensemble
Also with works by Dieter Schnebel, Steve Reich and Gustav Mahler
Jens Hamann, baritone
Uta Deilmann, harp
Klaas Hoek, harmonium and sound engineering
Ensemble DS 16 – Students of Folkwang University of the Arts Essen
October 24, 2016 (5 pm)
CampusOne of Musikhochschule Karlsruhe
Velte-Saal, Am Schloss Gottesaue 7
In the context of the Festival ZEITGENUSS
TRAUMPROTOKOLLE – Clips for two pianos (2016)
World premiere
Magdalena Cerezo Falces & Guzmán Nieto Álvaro, piano
October 22, 2016 (20 Uhr)
Ev. Nord-Ost-Gemeinde Frankfurt am Main, Wingertstrasse 15-19
for organ (1988)
Tobias Hagedorn, organ
October 21, 2016 (7 pm)
St. Petri Church Dortmund, Petrikirchhof 7
for voice solo
Also with works by Lili Boulanger, Gabriel Fauré, Eva-Maria Houben und Hübner
Irene Kurka, soprano
October 19, 2016 (8 pm)
Haus Erholung
Johann-Peter-Boelling-Platz, Mönchengladbach
In the context of Music and Psyche
Lecture concert "Psychology in music theatre"
With music by W.A. Mozart, G.F. Handel, Vincenzo Bellini, Alban Berg, Leos Janacek and Gerhard Stäbler
Discussion panel:
Alexandra von der Weth, presentation
Gerhard Stäbler, composer
Hannah Erdrich-Hartmann, psychologist
Prof. Claus Unzen, Head of Course in Music Theater Direction at Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin
Roland Techet, conductor
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Members of Duisburg Philharmonic und Düsseldorf Symphony Orchestras
October 13/14/15, 2016 (8 pm)
Neue Galerie Kassel, Schöne Aussicht 1
Extrem Poesie · Extrem Performation · Extrem A·Klang
A PerformanceMusic Project by Trio Omphalos
with Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler
and students of the Institute of Music of the University of Kassel
October 13: Extrem Poesie
FragmenteBlöcke for clarinet and piano (2010)
for one performer (1999)
Also with works by Alvin Lucier, Kunsu Shim, John Cage and Tom Johnson
October 14: Extrem Performation
from Kókkala
for voice (2013)
Pièce chaude - Don't move stones
for piano (2005)
Kunsu Shim & Gerhard Stäbler
Empfänger. Performance (2015)
Also with works by Alvin Lucier, Joseph Byrd, Kunsu Shim, Josef Anton Riedl, Tom Johnson, Yves Klein, W.A. Mozart, Yoko Ono and George Brecht
October 15: Extrem A·Klang
Kunsu Shim & Gerhard Stäbler
Collections for a big ensemble with any instruments (Version Kassel 2016)
Also with works by Alvin Lucier, John Cage and Kunsu Shim
October 6-9, 2016
In the context of Muziekbiennale Niederrhein
October 6, 8.30 pm: Kunstsammlung NRW/K20 Dusseldorf (Grabbeplatz 5)
October 7, 7.30 pm: Kulturkirche Liebfrauen Duisburg (König-Heinrich-Platz 3)
October 8, 7 pm: Museum Goch (Kastellstraße 9)
October 9, 4 pm: Odapark Venray (Merseloseweg 117)
Heute: Morgen! (Today: Tomorrow!)
Audio-visual Conversations about the Future
Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler, performance
BachEnsemble Niederrhein
October 6 and 7, 2016:
AUSRISS - Hymne für ein anderes Land
for ensembles and audience (2015)
golder than golder
for ensemble and choir (2007)
Handstreiche / Footprints
Performances for music lovers (1999)
Also with works by Frederic Rzewski, Piet-Jan van Rossum, Kunsu Shim, Yoko Ono, George Brecht, Christopher Hobbs, Arnold Marinissen, Ryoji Ikeda, Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Tom Johnson and Yves Klein
October 8 and 9, 2016:
AUSRISS - Hymne für ein anderes Land
for ensembles and audience (2015)
golder than golder
for ensemble and choir (2007)
Also with works by Frederic Rzewski, Piet-Jan van Rossum, Josef Anton Riedl, Kunsu Shim, Ryoji Ikeda, Mayke Nas, Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Yoko Ono and George Brecht
October 2, 2016 (7-11.30 pm)
Burkardushaus Würzburg, Am Bruderhof 1
In cooperation with Schlosstheater Moers in the context of "Nacht der offenen Kirchen"
RESONANZEN. Music and Readings
with compositions and performances by Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim
Final event of the Diocese Würzburg's project "IM GEGENÜBER"
7 pm: 313ff.
Based on excerpts from the records of the "NSU"-trial from 06.05.2013 to 30.09.2015
and from
9 pm: Bilder deiner großen Liebe
Excerpts from Wolfgang Herrndorf's novel
10.30 pm: Die große Wanderei
With texts by Martin Heidegger, Hans Magnus Enzensberger a.o.
Detailed programs: here
Magdalene Artelt, Patrick Dollas, Matthias Heße, Marissa Möller und Frank Wickermann, actors
Gerhard Stäbler, voice and performance
Kunsu Shim, performance
Stefan Blum, percussion
Ensemble CRUSH
Ulrich Grebe and Kathrin Leneke, scripts
Annika Stadler and Georg Mellert, dramaturgy
September 29, 2016 (8 pm)
Palais Wittgenstein, Bilker Str. 7-9, Düsseldorf
Start of the concert series Music and Psyche
Talk with psychologist Hannah Erdrich-Hartmann, composers Gerhard Stäbler and Christian Jendreiko, conductor Roland Techet and Dr. Stefan Plasa (Department of Literature, University of Bonn)
Works by Franz Schubert, Gerhard Stäbler a.o.
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano and presentation
Gerhard Stäbler, voice
Slavi Grigorov, accordion
Roland Techet, piano
September 27, 2016 (6 pm)
Ruhr Museum Essen, Gelsenkirchener Str. 181
Opening of the exhibition „Ausgegraben. Archäologie im Ruhr Museum“
Internet 1.5
for piano (1996)
Also with works by Philip Glass and Claude Debussy
Martin Tchiba, piano
September 25, 2016 (3 pm)
Sentralbadet, Teatergaten 37, Bergen (Norway)
In the context of Bergen Assembly 2016 : Within IV
A contribution to Tarek Atoui‘s project „Infinite Ear / WITHIN“
for musicians, non-musicians, and deaf and hearing audiences by Gerhard Stäbler
Performance with Gerhard Stäbler, BIT20 and a group of deaf people from Bergen
September 16, 2016 (8 pm)
Zollhaus von 1591, Höchster Schloßplatz 1
Die Skizze
Approach on a poem by Konstantinos Kavafis (1863-1933)
for trumpet in B flat (2013)
Also with works by Giacinto Scelsi, Eres Holz, Helmut Oehring and Sivan Cohen-Elias
William Forman, trumpet
September 16, 2016 (7 pm)
NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, Ehrenhof 2
Opening of the exhibition ""
on a fragment by Frank Schablewski for soprano (2012)
Kunsu Shim & Gerhard Stäbler
NO-Thing. Performance (2014)
Drill aus There is absolutely no(thing)...
for voice (2014)
Traum I und II
for soprano (2015/2016)
for violoncello (1998)
for soprano and percussion (2016)
Also with works by Kunsu Shim and Josef Anton Riedl
Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler, performance and composition
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Anja Schröder, violoncello
September 11, 2016
Schloss Biesdorf
Alt-Biesdorf 55, 12683 Berlin (Marzahn-Hellersdorf)
In the context of pyramidale#15
THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO(THING) … – Hommage a Francesco Cangiullo (1888 - 1977)
for a vocalist
Also with works by Helmut Oehring, Felix Kubin, Adam de la Cour and Gwyn Pritchard
Alwynne Pritchard, voice and performance
September 8, 2016 (00.05 - 01.00 am)
DeutschlandRadio Kultur
Live recording broadcast
Internet 1.5
for piano (1996)
Martin Tchiba, piano
Link: here
September 1, 2016 (6 pm)
choeunsook art & life style gallery, Seoul
서울특별시 강남구 압구정로 80길 37
(청담동 92-18)
musiCon concert (II) - Evening Talk „why music?“
with Bohyun Kim, Bernd Bleffert, Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler
August 31, 2016 (7.30 pm)
choeunsook art & life style gallery, Seoul
서울특별시 강남구 압구정로 80길 37
(청담동 92-18)
musiCon concert (I) - music & performance
… strike the ear…
for string quartet (1987/88)
for clarinet solo (2013)
for soprano (2013)
Also with works by Kunsu Shim
Heni Hyunjung Kim, clarinet
Seongsoon Kwon, soprano
Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler, performance
ensemble musiCon
August 15, 2016 (11 am)
Pak Kyungni House , Wonju / Südkorea
In the context of Kyungree Parks Literature & Contemporary Music
Verrufene Stelle
Miniature for violin, violoncello and piano (2015)
Also with compositions and actions by HuiYeon Bang, Jin Eui Bae, Bernd Bleffert, EunYoung Ha, Christian Jendreiko, BoHyun Kim, YunYoung, KimSeJeong Lee, JiEum Moon, ChangJoon Park, EunJeong Park and Kunsu Shim
July 26, 2016 (10.00 - 10.59 pm)
Bartók Radio
Live recording broadcast in the series Ars Nova
Internet 1.5
for piano (1996)
Martin Tchiba, piano
July 20, 2016 (6 pm)
Kulturkirche Liebfrauen Duisburg, König-Heinrich-Platz 3
July 19, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Robert Schumann Hochschule Dusseldorf, Fischerstr. 110
Tempus Loquendi
Nähte der Luft
for ensemble and speaker (2010)
Also with works by Frank Zabel, Guoping Ja, Manfred Trojahn, Linna Zhang, Kunsu Shim and José M. Sánchez-Verdu
Ensemble Tempus Loquendi
Gerhard Stäbler, speaker
Yang Jiao, conductor
July 17, 2016 (11.30 pm)
Kiliansdom Würzburg
Artists' Service
for violoncello solo (1998)
… simultaneously with works by Hildegard von Bingen and Kunsu Shim
for soprano and percussion (2015/16)
World Premiere
EarPort Ensemble with:
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Anja Schröder, violoncello
Kunsu Shim, performance
Gerhard Stäbler, performance and organ
Martin Gal, organ
July 13 2016 (11 am)
Robert Schumann Hochschule Dusseldorf, Fischerstraße 110
Aesthetic Discussions
LecturePerformance by and with Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim
CHANGE! – A frying pan belongs in the composer's luggage
July 2, 2016 (7 pm)
Kiliansdom Würzburg
Concert in the context of imGEGENüber
With works by John Cage, Christian Jendreiko, Yves Klein, Jeff Kowalkowski, Uikyung Lee, Alvin Lucier, Bernd Preinfalk, Alwynne Pritchard, Giacinto Scelsi, Kunsu Shim, Gerhard Stäbler and Amnon Wolman
Stefan Schmidt, organ
Kunsu Shim und Gerhard Stäbler, performance
Childrenchoirs of the Dommusik
String Orchestra of the Matthias-Grünewald-Gymnasium
Christian Schmid, conductor
July 1, 2016 (11 pm)
June 30, 2016 (7 pm)
Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Siemensstrasse 11
In the context of the festival Der Sommer in Stuttgart
] in myself I am
for soprano, piano and action
World Premiere
Alessia Hyunkyung Park, soprano and action
Marija Skender, piano and action
June 22, 2016
Silos Venezia, Venice (Giudecca)
... Blindflug ...
for soprano solo
on a fragment by Frank Schablewski (2012)
Also with works by Bernd Preinfalk, Elisabeth Harnik, Peter Androsch, Gerhard Krammer, Katharina Klement and Kunsu Shim
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Anja Schröder, violoncello
June 19, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Church St. Peter near Freistadt /Austria
... Blindflug ...
for soprano solo
on a fragment by Frank Schablewski (2012)
Also with works by Bernd Preinfalk, Elisabeth Harnik, Peter Androsch, Gerhard Krammer, Katharina Klement and Kunsu Shim
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Anja Schröder, violoncello
June 19, 2016 (5 pm)
Salzhof Freistadt /Austria
No. 2 "Don't move stones"
from Pièces chaudes (2005)
for piano
Also with works by Wolfgang Heisig, Conlon Nancarrow, Elisabeth Harnik, Peter Androsch, Gerhard Krammer, Katharina Klement and Kunsu Shim
Wolfgang Heisig, phonola
Mariko Onishi, piano
June 10, 2016 (8 pm)
Wine Merchants Bernhard Kreis
Böheimstraße 43, Stuttgart
Duo for soprano saxophone and percussion (2011)
Ensemble HÖRLABOR:
Nicola Lutz, saxophone
Armin Sommer, percussion
June 10, 2016 (1.30 pm)
MCA Museum of Contemporary Arts
220 E Chicago Avenue, Chicago
for bassoon solo (1998)
Robert Reinhart, bassoon
June 8, 2016 (8 pm)
Duisburg Innenhafen - Garten der Erinnerungen, Philosophenweg 17a
after the novel "Die Ästhetik des Widerstands" (Peter Weiss)
by Gerhard Stäbler and Sergej Maingardt
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Kai Hufnagel, actor
Ensemble for experimental improvisation (Direction: Paulo Álvares)
Friederike Felbeck, stage director
Ulrike Eidinger-Donat and Etienne Szabo, stage set
Raft construction: Paul-Maar-Förderschule Monheim (Direction: Simon Scherer)
Funded by Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf, Kunststiftung NRW, Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein- Westfalen, NRW Kultursekretariat, Kreissparkasse Euskirchen, Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf and Kulturbüro der Stadt Duisburg. In cooperation with Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln and Akademie Vogelsang IP gGmbH
June 4, 2016 (4 to 10pm)
Burkardushaus and Kiliansdom Würzburg
Concert in four parts in the context of imGEGENüber
World premieres by Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler
on texts by Hermann Schneider
I. Pavillion of Burkardushaus (4-5 pm)
Here – InstallationPerformance
with works by John Cage (Roratorio) and Kunsu Shim (ich bin wo ich sein möchte)
II. Forecourt of Burkardushaus (6 pm)
Wechselspiele – PerformanceConcert
Papier, Wort, Tod, Spur (Teil I)
for mixed vocal ensemble (1995)
Kunsu Shim / Gerhard Stäbler
for two performers (2011)
Also with works by J.S. Bach (Prélude from the Suite for Cello G major BWV 1007) and Kunsu Shim (APART I and II)
III. Kiliansdom/Cathedral (7 pm)
Unanswered Question – Symphonic Concert
Echo - Narcissus
for soprano, vocal ensemble and orchestra
on a text by Hermann Schneider (2016)
Also with works by Charles Ives (The Unanswered Question), Kunsu Shim (wolken.blindenschrift) and Luigi Nono (¿Donde Estás Hermano?)
IV. Burkardushaus (9 pm)
EONTA – Concert for choir and piano
Papier, Wort, Tod, Spur (Teil II)
for mixed vocal ensemble (1995)
Also with works by Iannis Xenakis (Herma, Evryali) and Erik Satie (Ogives)
Silje Aker Johnson, soprano
Paulo Alvares, piano
Kunsu Shim und Gerhard Stäbler, performance
Vokalensemble der Dommusik
Camerata Würzburg
Christian Schmid, conductor
June 3, 2016 (8 pm)
Kulturhaus Alte Feuerwache Friedrichshain
Marchlewskistr. 6, Berlin
In the context of 2. Berliner Festival für zeitgenössische Musik OaarWurm 2016
California Dreams (1986)
for accordion solo
Dieter Dörrenbacher, accordion
May 25, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Budapest, Magyar Rádió / Hungarian Radio
Internet 1.5
for piano (1996)
Martin Tchiba, piano
Radio transmission: here
May 25, 2016 (7 pm)
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Grabbeplatz 4
PerformanceMusic for the exhibition "Rita McBride. Gesellschaft"
für cello solo (1998)
Spices No. 1
for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano, electronics and dance (2001)
Also with music by Nicolaus A. Huber, Josef Matthias Hauer, Dieter Schnebel, Dorone Paris, Frederic Rzewski, Kunsu Shim, Lukas Tobiassen, Mieko Shiomi and Joseph Byrd
and with poems by Sappho, Konstantinos Kavafis, Schablewski and Jorge Luis Borges
Ensemble CRUSH
María Ceña, dance
Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler, performance
May 22, 2016 (6 pm)
EarPort, Philosophenweg 17a, Duisburg-Innenhafen
for violoncello solo (1998)
with dance
Bruno Mesz: Essay about music and scents
Also with works by Helmut Lachenmann, Johann Sebastian Bach, Luciano Berio and Kunsu Shim
María Ceña (Buenos Aires), dance
Karin Nakayama, violin
Andrei Simion, violoncello
May 18, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Schloss Benrath (Kuppelsaal, Museum Corps de Logis)
In the context of Natürlich schön!
An evening with music and poetry
Nachtstück I
for 7 players and tape (2005)
Nachtstück II
for 5 players (2005)
Also with works by Joseph Byrd, Bohyun Kim, Arnold Schönberg, Robert Schumann, Kunsu Shim, Mark-Andreas Schlingensiepen and Yuji Takahashi
and texts by Rainer Maria Rilke, Truman Capote und Paul Celan
notabu.ensemble neue musik
Mark-Andreas Schlingensiepen, direction
A PerformanceConcert in the context of Benrather Musikjahr, presented by Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Soziales der Sparda Bank West
March 31, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig (Großer Saal)
Grassistraße 8, Leipzig
"Musik & Gegenwart 63 - Zeitgeschichte Musik"
for flute, violin and double bass (1989)
spatial ayres
for soprano, ensemble and tape based on a text by Heiner Müller (1999/2000)
simultaneously with:
for voice and percussion based on a Kafka transcription by Heiner Müller (1999/2000)
also with works by Luciano Berio and Georg Katzer
Students of HMT Leipzig
Reinhard Schmiedel, direction
March 31, 2016 (2.30 pm)
Akademie für Tonkunst
Ludwigshöhstraße 129, Darmstadt
In the context of the 70th Spring Conference "Body sounds. Aspekte des Körperlichen in Neuer Musik"
LecturePerformance by Gerhard Stäbler
A frying pan belongs to a composer's luggage
March 15 and 17, 2016
Aula of Franz-Oberthürschule, Würzburg
In the context of the spring concerts at Matthias-Grünewald-Gymnasiums Würzburg
Vogel als ...
Start-Ups als Prophezeiung. Miniatures for strings (2014)
Also with works by Monti, Beethoven, Williams and others
March 14, 2016 (10.30-12am)
Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kamp-Lintfort
Friedrich-Heine-Allee 25
In the context of 4th Kulturwerkstatt Niederrhein
NO-thing. Performance by Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler
AugenTanz / Mundstücke (1999)
March 10, 2016 (7 pm)
Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf
Ehrenhof 4-5
Three PerformanceComplexes in: DIE GROSSE Kunstausstellung NRW 2016
3: Uns zur Feier
for violoncello solo (1998)
Also with works by Kunsu Shim
EarPort Ensemble with:
Andrei Simion, violoncello
Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler, performance
March 9, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Schloss Benrath Düsseldorf, Kapelle (Ostflügel)
In the context of Natürlich schön!
SANDSTRAHLEN. PerformanceConcert with a music installation by Bernd Bleffert for vocals and the sounds of sandblast. Performances and music by Hildegard von Bingen, Sergej Maingardt, Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler including some fieldrecordings by Ed Herrmann
for soprano (2015)
Wolrd Premiere
Irene Kurka, soprano
Bernd Bleffert, sound installation with birds and performance
Sergej Maingardt, sound performance
Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler, performance and sound
A PerformanceConcert in the context of Benrather Musikjahr, presented by Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Soziales der Sparda Bank West
March 3, 2016 (7 pm)
Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf
Ehrenhof 4-5
Three PerformanceComplexes in: DIE GROSSE Kunstausstellung NRW 2016
2: Wechselspiele
Black Tiger Tango
for accordion (2006)
Also with works by Kunsu Shim
EarPort Ensemble with:
Slavi Grigorov, accordion
Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler, performance
February 28, 2016 (6 pm)
Schlosstheater Moers / Kunstverein Peschkenhaus
Meerstraße 1, Moers
FREQUENZEN IV: Die große Wanderei
Hart auf hart - improvisatorisch, kalkulativ
for ensemble (1986)
Black Tiger Tango
for accordeon (2006)
Nachtstück II
for clarinet, violin and accordeon (2005/2016)
for ensemble (1984)
Warnung mit Liebeslied (1986)
Also with music by Kunsu Shim and texts by Martin Heidegger, Hans Magnus Enzensberger and others
Magdalene Artelt, Patrick Dollas, Matthias Heße, Marissa Möller und Frank Wickermann, actors
Gerhard Stäbler, voice and performance
Kunsu Shim, performance
Ensemble CRUSH (Duisburg)
Kathrin Leneke, stage director
Georg Mellert, dramaturg
Supported by Sparkasse am Niederrhein
February 25, 2016 (7 pm)
Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf
Ehrenhof 4-5
Three PerformanceComplexes in: DIE GROSSE Kunstausstellung NRW 2016
1: Im Raum
for clarinet solo (2013)
Also with works by Kunsu Shim, Josef Anton Riedl, Yoko Ono, George Brecht and W.A. Mozart
EarPort Ensemble with:
Heni-Hyunjung Kim, clarinet
Kunsu Shim und Gerhard Stäbler, performance
Februar 18, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Zentralbibliothek Essen, Hollestraße 3
Nachtstück II
for clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano (2005/06)
Also with works by Juan Allende-Blin, Gerd Zacher, Johann Sebastian Bach, John Cage, Fré Focke, Kunsu Shim and Lukas Tobiassen
Thomas Günther, piano
Ensemble CRUSH
February 13, 2016 (9 pm)
TuFa Trier, Wechselstraße 4-6
In the context of OPENING 16 - Internationales Festival für Klangkunst Trier
„Ein elliptischer Ritus“
Performance concert with Alwyn Pritchard, Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim
MetalSeasons (1998/99)
Music theatre tools for speaker (2013)
German Premiere
Hommage to Francesco Cangiullo. Music theatre for a vocalistin three acts (2014)
German Premiere
February 13, 2016 (5 pm)
TuFa Trier, Wechselstraße 4-6
In the context of OPENING 16 - Internationales Festival für Klangkunst Trier
for one or two percussionsts
February 12, 2016 (9.30 pm)
AMG (Atrium des Angela Merici Gymnasiums)
Neustraße 35, Trier
In the context of OPENING 16 - Internationales Festival für Klangkunst Trier
Chamber opera for baritone, string trio and tape (2005)
Also with
Kunsu Shim: YOUR FACE
Chamber opera for baritone, string trio and tape (2005)
Martin Lindsay, baritone
String trio CRUSH
Johanna Meyer, stage
February 10, 2016 (4 pm)
Würzburg: Kiliansdom - Burkardushaus - in front of the cathedral
„Projekt - im Gegenüber 2016"
Und nicht einmal sein Schritt klingt
aus dem tonlosen Los
for organ (2015)
wenn das Glückliche fällt
An action with everyday items (2011)
Co-Composition with Kunsu Shim Spalier...
Musical thoughts about Fantasies by John Bull (1563-1628) and Don Carlo Gesualdo (um 1560-1613)
für Blechbläserquintett (1990)
Also with works by Bernd Bleffert, Kunsu Shim, Franz Liszt and Don Carle Gesualdo
February 4, 2016 (10-12 pm)
Radialsystem V
Holzmarktstraße 33, Berlin
In the context of Sasha Waltz & Guests: ZUHÖREN
elements (acute)
Electronic music for sound installations (1999/2000)
Also with works by Kunsu Shim, George Brecht and Yoko Ono
January 24, 2016 (12 am)
January 30, 2016 (4 pm)
January, 31 2016 (4 pm)
Ballhaus im Nordpark
Kaiserswerther Straße 365, Düsseldorf
after the novel "Die Ästhetik des Widerstands" (Peter Weiss)
by Gerhard Stäbler and Sergej Maingardt
Alexandra von der Weth, soprano
Kai Hufnagel, actor
Paulo Álvares, piano
Students of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Funded by Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf, Kunststiftung NRW, Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein- Westfalen, NRW Kultursekretariat, Kreissparkasse Euskirchen, Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf and Kulturbüro der Stadt Duisburg. In cooperation with Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln and Akademie Vogelsang IP gGmbH
January 22, 2016 (7 pm)
Kunststation St. Peter
Jabachstraße 1, Köln
Chamber opera for baritone, string trio and tape (2005)
Also with
Kunsu Shim: YOUR FACE
Chamber opera for baritone, string trio and tape (2005)
Martin Lindsay, baritone
String trio CRUSH
Johanna Meyer, stage
January 20, 2016 (7.30 pm)
UT Connewitz Leipzig, Wolfgang-Heinze-Str. 12A
A project of
FZML Forum für Zeitgenössische Musik Leipzig
125 Party Pieces (with participation by Gerhard Stäbler)
European Premiere
January 17, 2016 (6 pm)
Kunstverein Peschkenhaus
Meerstraße 1, Moers
Frequenzen III: VEIT von Thomas Harlan
Schmerzprobe. Kassandra-Studie
for Viola solo (1993)
Elektroacoustic music for an exhibition (1998)
Also with works by Giacinto Scelsi, György Kurtág and Kunsu Shim
Annegret Meyer Lindenberg, viola
Matthias Heße and Frank Wickermann, actors
Kunsu Shim und Gerhard Stäblker, performance
Ulrich Greb, stage director
Annika Stadler, dramaturg
Supported by Sparkasse am Niederrhein
January 12 - 16, 2016
Schloss Benrath Dusseldorf, Chapel (East wing)
Benrather Schlossallee 100-106, Dusseldorf
WinterAcademy for PerformanceMusic III FLEETING Melodramatic performances today - and before
with Silje Marie Aker Johnsen (soprano), Victoria Johnson (violin/electric violin), Eirik Raude (percussion) and the lecturers Elisabeth von Leliwa, Christian Jendreiko, Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler
An Academy for PerformanceMusic in the context of the Benrather Musikjahr, supported by Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Soziales der Sparda Bank West
January 12, 2016 (7.30 pm)
Opening concert
Electronic music (1998)
Belfast Breakfast Songs
for voice (1994)
Cassandra (III)
for voice, percussion and electronic sounds (1996)
Also with music and poetry by George Aperghis, Joseph Byrd, Rolf Wallin, George Brecht, Kunsu Shim and others
and the premiere of the miniature opera That Day II by Bohyun Kim
January 13, 2016 (6 pm)
… sanften Klanges ungeseh‘ner Geist ...
Recitation, gesture and music in melodrama from the late 18th to the 21th century
Lecture by Elisabeth von Leliwa (Dusseldorf)
January 16, 2016 (5 pm)
Final concert
Cassandra (VI)
for voice, percussion and electronic sounds (1996)
Also with collective compositions by the participants of the Winter Academy and works by Huiyeon Bang, Raoul Hausmann, Christian Jendreiko, George Aperghis and Kunsu Shim
The International Winter Academy for New PerformanceMusic III invites all those interested in PerformanceMusic, composition and – as a special theme for this year – in short melodramatic music-theatre performances.
In addition to the public concerts and the public lecture, all music and art lovers with open eyes and ears and an interest in interdisciplinary art forms are invited to the workshops. Please note that the registration with is essentially required! Participants of the Winter Academy workshops are encouraged to submit miniatures or performance concepts for the invited soloists (soprano/speaker, violin, drums) which will be discussed during the Winter Academy and – as far as possible – may be rehearsed and performed.
Artistic Direction: Kunsu Shim and Gerhard Stäbler
Production: Stiftung Schloss und Park Benrath
Supported by: Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Soziales der Sparda Bank West / d.ZENT Düsseldorf