Links to YouTube videos with projects and works by Gerhard Stäbler:
EarPort Concert Gedanken unter den Wolken with Minguet Quartet (February 26, 2021)
EarPort Concert Signatures with pianist Catherine Vickers (April 30, 2021)
BrexIn – Music from England and Germany with Ensemble S201
Live recording from the Central Library Essen (May 20, 2021)
TIEFEN·SCHÄRFE | PerformanceConcert I with notabu.ensemble neue musik
Live Stream from Liebfrauenkirche Duisburg (May 29, 2021)
LOB DES SELBEN | PerformanceKonzert II with wind ensemble consord
Live Stream from Liebfrauenkirche Duisburg (May 30, 2021)
Gerhard Stäbler: all is to be dared – video premiere with AuditivVokal Dresden (August 18, 2021)
EarFest Sommer 2021 – Day III with Moritz Koch, Riccardo Acciarino and Jaume Darbra Fa (August 29, 2021)
Quadrophonie Ukraine — Germany BRIDGES – video premiere in the context of the festival Contrasts 27 in Lviv/Ukraine (October 9, 2021)
EarPort Concert Quadrophonie Netherlands – Germany with Katharina Gross and Arnold Marinissen (February 14, 2022)