KlangWand – a socio-musical performance in Trier
September 2nd and 3rd, 2005
During the evenings of September 2nd and 3rd, 2005, the project KlangWand (Wall of Sound), composed and directed by Gerhard Stäbler, was performed in Trier. KlangWand is a socio-musical performance, in which a 32-family building in the Trier district Mariahof was musicalized. Among the performance participants were professional musicians in the fields of new music and jazz, the popular Trier dialect band Leiendecker Bloas (Director: Helmut Leiendecker), members of several local choirs (led by Beatrice Bergér), the musical society Tawern (director: Heinz Schick) and the buildings residents who used their own kitchen "instruments" for the performance.
More than 1000 visitors full of curiosity came every evening to watch the open sky event of music and light. They sat on the grass behind the apartment building, surrounded by a wall of sound which continuously rebuilt itself through musical activities coming from all directions: from the lawn around the visitors, the building’s balconies and even the roof. "Stäbler’s composition inconspicuously pervades, creating a golden thread, in which the piece gains its conclusiveness, tension, coherence and completeness. It is a true work of art, rather than a vague acoustic action." (Martin Möller Trierischer Volksfreund on 05/09/05)
Thomas Rath, the leader of the ensemble "Tonwerke Trier", came up with the idea, on which the project is based. Together with the artist Markus Bydolek, they were the organizational managers of the project. KlangWand – a Socio-performance, was part of the project cycle SCHWING of the Tuchfabrik Trier, as well as a part of a sociological study by the University of Trier.
On November 12, 2005, Tatjana Wagner broadcasted "Project KlangWand – Documentation of a musical experiment in Trier" in her radio show on SWR 2
The show was also presented on Deutschland Radio on September 6, 2006.
KlangWand is a convertible project, as it can be implemented in other locations in its particular specific version.